A New Hope |
I sense a disturbance in the Force. A lot of fans seem to be trepidacious because of several closings in the star wars universe: Star Wars Hyperspace ending this year 2011, Star Wars Galaxies ending this year 201l, Star Wars Forums ended this year and the Star Wars Shop closing July 18, 2011.
"From 2004 to 2011, Hyperspace: The Official Star Wars Fan Club was the Lucasfilm-run organization for Star Wars fans worldwide created to unify and spotlight fan activity, give exclusive inside access to Star Wars productions, provide a way to buy really cool exclusive stuff, and most of all... to celebrate Star Wars."
It seems the intention of all of these star wars components are the same - the celebration of Star Wars. The Force can be seen from both light and dark perspectives and I think we fans need to view this from the light side (Hey, I'm a Jedi at heart.) I know that when it comes to Star Wars I seem to be a cup half-full type and never have a bad thing to say about it. Go ahead think it - I embrace that. Star Wars is the bright center to the universe for me and always will be. We are not losing anything. Star Wars is alive and well on the internet:
I know I have left off many sites. More than I can ever list here, but these are just a few that I frequent. And that is the point really isn't it? Lucasfilm is concentrating on giving us what we can't give ourselves: Star Wars: The Clone Wars television show, Star Wars on Blu-Ray this September 12th internationally and 16th in North America, Star Wars Saga in 3-D in theaters starting February 2012, Star Wars: The Old Republic (someday), Star Wars Celebration VI and so much more.
What we need to take from this comes from one of my favorite scenes in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi when Master Yoda tells Luke, "Pass on what you have learned." Yoda is speaking to all of us. George Lucas has known from the beginning that it is not only the franchise but mainly the fans that will keep the Force alive. So these closings are not a downturn in the Star Wars universe but Lucasfilm reorganizing their efforts because they know that the fans have got it covered.
Our role in the Star Wars universe is to pass on our Star Wars experience: Jedi, Sith, smugglers, bounty hunters all creatures great and small. As long as we do this, we do not have to fear Yoda's passing or that of a few websites.
Just like Luke and Leia, the next generation of Skywalker, were the new hope in the Star Wars Saga, we fans are the New Hope. We are the Hope that has always been what has and will keep Star Wars alive.
So I have to find a new place to buy my Yoda slippers, I will survive and grow stronger in the Force because of this new challenge - we all will.
The Force Will Be With Us Always!